Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Blog Title Poll Result

OK guys the poll is closed and here is the result:

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Enuff said :p kakakakaka waste my time only!

Monday, June 20, 2005

A Guide to Laksa Sarawak

The popular Sarawak Laksa is version of curry noodles without cockles and fried bean curd. Laksa Sarawak is the quintessential coffee shop dish in Kuching [even though it is a cardiologist's nightmare of a breakfast].

A bowl of laksa Sarawak consists of noodles [fine wheat flour vermicelli] a handful of large, fresh bean sprouts and most importantly the hot and spicy laksa gravy. The doused noodles are normally garnished with generous helpings of sliced omelets, fresh prawns and shredded chicken breast. The whole thing is topped-off with a garnish of coriander leaves. And it is served to you with chopsticks and a soup spoon. Before you start on your laksa, you will notice a small bowl containing a lime and a teaspoonful of mysterious brown paste – belacan, a dried and fermented puree of shrimp. This pungent mix is then poured into the laksa and gently agitated with the chopsticks to ensure an even distribution.

Price per Bowl
RM2.50 onwards

Famous Places For Laksa Sarawak
  • Choon Hui Cafe (Ban Hock Road, next to Grand Continental Hotel)
  • Seng Huat Cafe (Padungan Road, below Kapit Hotel)
  • Golden Arch Café (3rd Mile)